Intervento del consigliere comunale
Il consigliere comunale del Movimento cinque stelle ha voluto chiarire sulla vicenda 5G. E’ evidente che, oramai, si assumono o si richiedono iniziative prive di alcun fondamento – scrive l’avvocato paganese – basate solamente su spinte emotive e prive di quella serietà scientifica che dovrebbe informare e guidare le scelte politiche a tal fine quindi, vi rimetto alcuni studi “paper” pubblicati sul sito dell’istituto superiore di sanità e risposte scritte dalla commissione UE per la sanità che, in merito alla rete 5G, sostiene tra l’altro “che non ci sono evidenze per ritenere la quinta generazione mobile una tecnologia “pericolosa” in quanto la maggior parte delle frequenze dedicate sono le medesime delle precedenti generazioni” e che inoltre in ordine alla ricerca su i campi elettromagnetici siano stati investiti 49 milioni di euro “to support risk assestment “per supportare la valutazione del rischio”. Certo di aver fatto cosa gradita nell’augurio che la scienza sia faro dei popoli e non l’ultima spiaggia vi auguro una buona domenica. Di seguito alcuni collegamenti ipertestuali che il consigliere comunale ha richiamato relativamente alla tecnologia di quinta generazione.
La risposta dalla commissione UE per la salute
To the Commission’s best knowledge, no member of the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Health Risks(1) that has taken over the work of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Risks(2) is a member of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. The collegial nature of the Committee ensures independence and avoids biases. The selection processes comply with the Commission’s transparency rules and ensure balanced composition of the Working Groups.
The Committee produced five relevant opinions, the last one in 2015(3), which have not provided any scientific justification to revise the limits set by Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC(4). These limits are based on independent guidance issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection(5). As regards 5G deployment, all frequency bands envisaged are covered by the Council Recommendation. It is expected that the exposure to electromagnetic fields is very close to the exposure due to 4G and well below the strict limits recommended by the Council. To support risk assessment, the Commission has invested EUR 49 million on research projects(6) on electromagnetic fields through its Framework Programmes of Research and Innovation. Results are available on CORDIS(7).
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, to be presented before the end of 2020, will focus on prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and care, and the quality of life of patients. It will be evidence based taking into account the results of a broad consultation with the public and stakeholders. Visible light communications, which are under research, could offer an interesting emerging technological solution, but only for limited and essentially non-mobile scenarios.
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